Laboratory measurement as a service
You don't have a TTT System and can't invest in one right now? Nevertheless, you want to improve your lubricating medium? Or you need help for the selection of a medium? Our experienced staff can make the measurements for you.
A series of measurements consisting of torque values and temperature (∆T) by means of tools, is created for each measured medium. Among providing the TTT System and laboratory equipment defined series of measurements with the PC evaluation & analysis software, as well as the TSE (temperature sensor equipment) comparative analyzes can be performed. Using the analyzer is performed an individual analysis including flexible differentiation of the various single and series measurements. An individual analysis including flexible differentiation of the various and single series measurements will be perpormed with the analyzer. The media will be anonymous and marked with A / B / C etc.. Your data and the results are strictly confidential.
The measurement results are provided as files: To unterstand the results we provide you a software and telephone support to discuss the results of the evaluation.
What you need to provide us:
- Labeled sample bottles (max. 50 ml)
- Technical Product Information (hazardous materials, emulsion mixing ratio, etc.)
- If possible, information to objective and focus of the application of the respective media
- Reference medium (optional)
When you purchas a TTT System within 3 months after order of the laboratory test series, the costs will be deducted.