Customers – References
With more than 25 years of experience, the microtap GmbH is specialized in process-safe and quality-controlled threading. From the features of these machine-tools arose the TTT Tapping-Torque-Testsystem. Today the TTT system is in use at more then 200 companies around the world.
Online Articles
Afton Chemical: Environmentally Friendly EP Additives for Metalworking Applications
"The microtap Tapping Torque Test [...] is well known across the metalworking industry and has become a standard instrument for additive evaluation. Key to this program was development of test protocols appropriate to each alloy under evaluation."
Publications of TTT-System Cutomers
A selection of publications and success stories of TTT-System users.
Selection of Successful TTT-System Customers Worldwide
The TTT Tapping-Torque-Testsystem is battle tested and we are working hard to improve it further. Our customers and partners help us to develop the system to be applicable to the industries needs.